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NMHA members, including all salaried employees of member hospital and health system organizations who have professional/administrative and/or managerial/supervisory roles are eligible to join our community of donors, year-round. 

Decisions made in Santa Fe and Washington DC directly impact the hospital field and the lives and careers of those of us within it. Healthcare is our calling, and through our involvement in advocacy we make our voices heard on decisions that affect our investments of time, capital and caring.


When combined with those of colleagues, your gift


  • Builds relationships with influential officials

  • Elects hospital-friendly legislators from all parties

  • Re-elect members of key legislative committees

  • Supports American Hospital Association-backed federal candidates and actions at the on federal-level

  • Educate lawmakers and the public on hospital issues​


Contributions to NMHA HealthPAC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. All contributions are voluntary and have no impact on your job status, performance review, compensation or employment. Any giving guideline is merely a suggestion. Any amount given or the decision not to give will not advantage or disadvantage you. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year (January-December).


Give now

Draw a check on a personal account and include a home/personal address and send to:


7471 Pan American W Frwy, NE
Albuquerque, NM  87109


Or, give Securely via Square™ via this payment link.


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