Federal Advocacy
The federal government, through Congress and administrative agencies like HHS, CMS, HRSA, FDA and more, have a direct influence on every day hospital practice. The federal government helps fund the care hospitals provide through Medicare and Medicaid, supports workforce training programs, establishes regulations and oversees safety and quality practices.
New Mexico’s two U.S. Senators and three U.S. Representatives provide New Mexicans with a direct connection into the workings of the federal government. Through their offices, constituents like hospitals can make their voices heard, influence laws and regulations, develop policy solutions and seek assistance.
Each month, NMHA hosts a meeting with New Mexico’s Congressional Delegation Washington, D.C. and New Mexico-based staff. Each call features one of our member hospitals. It provides congressional staff with an “on the ground” view from our members’ point of view to better get to know their constituent hospitals. These calls have created a collegial environment for NMHA to highlight their federal-related needs, and for Congressional Offices to reach out directly to NMHA with questions and lend assistance where possible.
To garner additional insight on impactful federal policies and the opportunity to inform those policies, NMHA is also a member of the American Hospital Association (AHA). The Washington, D.C. based organization represents hospitals, health care networks, and their patients and communities throughout the country.
Our federal advocacy priorities include:​
Increase and stabilize funding for Medicare, Medicaid and other programs to ensure access to care in all communities.
Protect the 340B drug pricing program that helps patients access necessary medications and supports community wellness programs.
Modify the Rural Emergency Hospital (REH) related regulations that would allow more rural New Mexico hospitals to avail themselves of this option to help maintain access to hospital care in rural New Mexico.
Boost funding and support policies that increase the number of doctors, nurses and healthcare workers practicing in New Mexico.
Make permanent flexibilities like telehealth and other innovations that improve access to care made possible by the public health order.
Enact policies that relieve the healthcare field of unnecessary regulatory or administrative burdens that would take away from the day-to-day care provided to patients.