Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP)
The Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) is an ASPR Health Care Readiness cooperative agreement that focuses on national health care preparedness. As the primary source of federal funding for health care system preparedness and response.
Emergency Preparedness Training
Hospital Incident Command System (HICS) is an incident management system based on principles of the Incident Command System (ICS), which assists hospitals and health care organizations in improving their emergency management planning, response, and recovery capabilities for unplanned and planned events.
The New Mexico Hospital Association is offering a 5-part, self-paced webinar series hosted by HSS, at no cost to our member hospitals. Each episode within the series breaks down integral parts of the Incident Command System and is geared towards individuals who have already taken ICS 100, 200, 700, and 800. The program is recommended for, administration, senior leadership, emergency management, and clinical staff.
Each session provides information on best practices, implementation strategies, and balancing theoretical concepts with practical approaches. The course is intended to provide a review for participants who already have experience with (HICS). A knowledge check is included at the end of each session to verify lessons learned.
Sessions Include:
Part 1 – Command Staff
Part 2 – Operations
Part 3 – Planning
Part 4 – Logistics/Finance/Administrative
Part 5 – Incident Action Planning
How to complete the course
Click here to register for the five-part course. ​
A confirmation email is sent with video training and quiz links.
Watch the training video(s) and complete the knowledge check quiz (pass with 80% or better).
A Certificate of Completion for the course(s) completed will be emailed to you.