2025 State Policy Priorities
Each year, NMHA's policy priorities are informed by the knowledge, experience and insights of our members and staff and our collaboration with other organizations.
The First Session of New Mexico's 57th Legislature opens on January 21, 2025. The 60-day session, unlike the 30-day version convened in alternating years, is not limited in the subjects or objectives of legislation that may be introduced. NMHA works year-round on hospital-relevant issues and stands prepared to address legislation as it arises.
The Access Emergency
Download our 2025 pre-legislative session handout (pdf), "Access to Care: Protecting and Expanding Healthcare Access for All New Mexicans." This simple, front and back document outlines NMHA's position that all legislation considered in Santa Fe in 2025 must be viewed through the lens of building patient access to timely, equitable, quality healthcare statewide.
Our 2025 Priority is Access to Care
New Mexicans rely on their community hospitals—which may be hours from home or in another county—to provide the care they need when they need it. To offer reliable, timely and equitable care to every patient, hospitals require ample, well-educated and caring staff. They need a stable financial foundation to support these providers, keep facilities and technology up-to-date and invest in the health and wellness of their communities. New Mexico must have an environment that sustains recruitment and retention of medical professionals, fosters innovation within our healthcare system and above all—strengthens access to care across our vast state.
During the 2025 New Mexico legislative session, NMHA, on behalf of 47 community hospitals, will champion proposals that protect and expand access to quality healthcare statewide:
Supporting our current healthcare workforce
“Growing our own” New Mexico healthcare professionals
Addressing our provider shortage by making New Mexico competitive
Removing barriers to recruitment and retention
Promoting financial stability and sustainability
Reducing barriers to viability, growth and innovation
Challenging onerous regulation and government overreach
NMHA will oppose proposals that threaten or further reduce access to quality healthcare statewide.
What We Do
Contributions to committees to elect hospital-friendly legislators from all parties
Non-partisan contributions to committees to reelect members of influential, hospital-relevant legislative committees
Contributions to elected officials who can impact hospital-related policy
Political advertising, like the messages we ran in major newspapers around New Mexico, encouraging the governor to sign the 2022 tax and budget bills
Political education for lawmakers and the public, infographics, viseos and presentations that explain complex healthcare policy