W.K. Kellogg Foundation
The New Mexico Hospital Association (NMHA), through a generous grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation (WKKF), is working with hospitals across the state to implement and/or strengthen sustainable patient-family partnership (PFP) programs that reflect the diverse needs of their patients and communities. The program is designed to incorporate PFP into hospital health equity journeys, including Social Drivers of Health (SDOH) screening and use of Race Ethnicity and Language (REAL) data.
Hospitals will participate for an 18-month period of webinar-based learning, PFP learning collaboratives, 1:1 hospital coaching, peer-to-peer engagement, sharing of best practice, and access to trained patient family advisors. This important work will be guided by a steering committee of dedicated patient/family advisors, hospital leaders, and subject matter experts.
Central to the implementation or expansion of a successful health equity strategy is a commitment to engaging with, and listening to, the diverse community that is served, to give voice to their perspectives and experiences. Engaging with patients and families as care partners in the planning, delivery and evaluation of healthcare emphasizes the importance of collaborating with people of all ages, at all levels of care and in all healthcare settings. Patient and family-centered care leads to better health outcomes, improved healthcare experiences, greater workforce satisfaction and better use of resources. Meaningful patient-family partnerships can mobilize resources and influence systems, change relationships, and support/influence policies, program development and shifting clinical practices.
Webinar #1: Connecting to Purpose
Webinar #2: Workforce Engagement: Opportunities for Preventing & Addressing SDOH Work-Related Burnout
Webinar #3: Relationship Centered Communication – Strengthening Communications Skills to Build Trust and Address Unmet Social Needs